Two-minute English: How to Call in Sick
Click and learn some examples of how to call in sick at work.
2024-01-04T11:22:01+08:003/2/2017|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: DSE, dse應試技巧, 商業英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
Listening for agreement and disagreement can be tough if English isn't your first language. Here are some tips and practice questions to help you make it work.
2024-01-04T11:20:34+08:0017/12/2016|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 常見錯誤, 會話, 聆聽|
This week, I am going to look at some confusing verbs and words that sound similar but have different meanings in English and show you some of the differences between them.
2024-01-03T18:11:14+08:003/12/2016|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 旅遊英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
This week, I am going to talk about greeting people in English, what you should do in those situations, phrases that are useful, and what you can say when you bump into people unexpectedly.