There are often questions that require data description in HKDSE English paper 3. Usually, you would be able to get the content point by stating the data straightly. Yet, some useful vocabularies can enhance your language marks. Avoid using the most common word choice, which is ‘decrease’, you can replace it with the following suggestions!



It is obvious that the interest for tourists to visit Hong Kong is declining due to insufficient recognition of landmarks.



According to the graph, the number of audiences have been reduced by 15 percent.



The popularity of rickshaws diminished by time as shown from the table.



It is apparent that the number of rickshaws licenses dropped significantly from 3,243 in 1928 to 2 in 2013.



The number of tourists visiting Hong Kong has shrunk by 25 percent according to the statistic.


Rephrasing is the key road to success! It can help you to boost the language marks a lot!