DSE 除咗比建議,同講影響,原因題都喺其中一個必學既題型!要好好應付,就要留意唔同嘅用字,以下特別精選咗4個名詞,令你嘅vocabulary bank可以再增強啲,除咗自己唔重覆用字,都唔好再用其他考生用過嘅字!


Factor 因素

Wonderful visual effect can be one of the factors for 3D movies to become popular in Hong Kong.
出色的視覺效果是其中一個 3D 電影變得受歡迎的因素。


Consequence 結果/後果

To prevent serious consequences, such as destroying the beauty of the heritage, those buildings should be preserved.


Cause 原因

Laziness of people is the major cause for technological products to become more popular.


Justification 正當的理由

Keeping memories for both my friends and me is one of my justifications for writing a diary.

