Weather is one of the most common topics between everyone, when you need or want to talk to someone. It’s nearly applicable in every situation. So, why don’t you click in and learn more weather words that you ought to know? After reading this article, you can accurately describe the weather, without using just sunny and cloudy!


Rainy day


On the south coast, the temperature will drop to 20 degrees Celsius, with downpour on Monday.



The weather wasn’t very stable in the past few days as drizzle often took place. Remember to bring an umbrella with you.


Windy day


It’s too dangerous that I wouldn’t dare to go out on a blustery day.



Gusty winds blew down the trees which caused injuries of two people.


Sunny day


It’s the best time to wake up early in the morning and go exercise with bright sunshine.


For now, let’s stop with the vocabularies for sunny, windy and rainy days! After memorizing the above words, you can click on the second passage to learn more about this topic.