入得職場,除咗 formal business English 要快狠準,都要學定幾個 idioms 傍身,先可以更加 native!咁你又知唔知 up in the air 喺點解?See eye to eye 唔通喺解「你眼望我眼」?最奇怪喺 the elephant in the room 又喺唔喺講緊「間房有隻大象」!?想學有用又有趣嘅 business idioms 就要入嚟睇吓啦!
Up in the air : it is uncertain, often because other matters have to be decided first 懸而未決
The marketing plan for next year is still up in the air.
See eye to eye : To agree with someone 意見一致
He doesn’t see eye to eye with her about the expansion plan.
The elephant in the room: A very large issue that everyone is acutely aware of, but nobody wants to talk about 一個明顯的問題,但因很麻煩,所以沒人理會
We should condemn the exploitation problem of the manufacturer, but it is just the elephant in the room.
Out in the open : Something becomes public knowledge and no longer a secret 公開
The details of the deal between the two companies are now out in the open.
Go down the drain : something is wasted or spoiled 付諸東流
The other company got the contract, and our efforts went down the drain.
喺唔喺覺得英文 idioms 都可以好生動有趣呢?咁就記得睇埋下一篇啦!