哇哇哇!之前學完嘅 business idioms 仲記唔記得呢?喺咪仲想學識多啲?唔洗緊張!今次再為大家精選咗職場新秀必學嘅 idioms!No-brainer 喺話人「冇腦」?Touch base又喺咩意思?Upper hand 喺解「高手」? Cut-throat 莫非喺一種暴力罪行!?喺 office 聽到嘅 idioms 令你有咁多疑問?咁就要一齊嚟大拆解啦!
Smooth sailing : a situation that thing is easy and without problems 順利
Customers are satisfied with our product and so it is smooth sailing now.
No-brainer: something so simple or obvious that you do not need to think much about it 不費腦筋的事
Entering data is just a no-brainer.
Touch base : to talk briefly with someone 聊天 / 交談
Please touch base with him to confirm the appointment time.
Upper hand : To have more power than anyone else and so have control 佔據上風
By selling the product at a lower price than that of our competitor, we gained the upper hand in the market share.
Cut-throat: not involving considering or worrying about any harm caused to others 激烈、殘酷的競爭環境
The publishing industry is a cut-throat business.