學英文除咗要識得多詞彙,其實仲有個方法可以令你嘅英文一秒 native 起嚟!?冇錯,就喺 idioms 啦!有時喺 email 最尾見到人哋打 Just my two cents,但又唔知點解?On the money 唔通解喺金錢之上?關於錢嘅 idioms 又有趣又實用,不妨入嚟學翻幾個,增值下自己啦!
On the money 準確 : exact or correct
The weather forecast was right on the money.
To feel the pinch 手頭拮据 : in face of financial hardship
Since his father is unemployed and his mother couldn’t find a job, his family is feeling the pinch.
To go bust 破產 : to go bankrupt
Many small companies went bust after the severe drop in the stock market.
Worth its weight in gold 非常有用 : to be very useful or helpful
University education is worth its weight in gold as it exposes students to new research and technology.
Two cents 意見/想法 : opinion on a particular matter
If you want my two cents, I think you should leave her and look for a better partner.
講錢唔會傷感情,反而可以學到好多唔同嘅 idioms 呢!