作文嘅重點在於建立自己嘅觀點,所以「認為」呢個字出現嘅頻率非常高,除咗 Think 之外,你又知唔知其他超實用嘅同義詞,可以代替佢?用平日考生少用嘅字眼,一齊喺考官嘅手上拎高分啦!


Deem 認為

They deem plastic surgery a safe way to become beautiful, but in fact, it poses potential risks too.



Realize 意識到

I realized that the importance of support from the audience which granted me with the braveness to sing my songs.



Argue 論證

I am here to argue for abolishing the policy of reporting students’ class positions based on the following aspects.



Assert 堅持

You should assert your right in chasing for your dream, instead of blindly following others’ ideas.



Believe 相信

I firmly believe that I am the right candidate for the workshop. Also, I sincerely hope that I would be selected.



下次再要寫「認為」呢個字嘅時候,都可以諗多諗,轉用其他字,令 language 分都高啲!