提起寫作卷,三大元素之一就喺 language 分,喺字典度一個字一個字慢慢背,都唔喺好辦法!要記?就記最常用嘅字詞啦!Now 呢個字老是常出現,學識美化佢,就無往不利,寫作卷成日都可以用到,輕鬆高分都難你唔到啦!


In contemporary society 在當今社會

In contemporary society, young people tend to neglect the importance of health. So, marathon would be a practical way to arouse their awareness of this issue.



In this day and age 如今

In this day and age, students are usually interested in some special sporting events, so our programme should meet the need of students.



In modern society 在現代社會

In modern society, media and celebrities create the fashion trend, gaining popularity for athleisure.



In this era 在這個時代

In this era, globalization is the major factor for Asian celebrities to gain popularity all over the world.



原來,Now 都可以變化多端,下次就要記得嚟嗰華麗變身啦!