世人對珍珠奶茶(bubble tea) 嘅愛有增無減,繼黑糖珍奶、芝士奶蓋、珍珠奶綠等等台式飲品風靡香港後,連日本人都抵抗唔到佢哋嘅魅力,甚至比香港人鍾意飲台式飲品嘅程度有過之而無不及!將珍奶帶到拉麵、啤酒等等之中!如果去到外地,又想飲珍奶,你就要學識點用英文落單啦!
- 選擇飲品 / 茶底 choose your beverage / tea
- Brown sugar bubble tea 黑糖珍珠奶茶
- Fruit-filled based tea 水果茶
- Cheese-topped tea芝士奶蓋茶
- jasmine tea茉莉花茶
- oolong tea 烏龍茶
- 選擇糖分及溫度 customize the level of sweetness and the amount of ice
- Sugar-free / no sugar 不外加糖
- Low sugar 微糖(~30%)
- Half sugar 半糖(~50%)
- Less sugar少糖(~70%)
- Standard / regular sugar 正常糖
- Ice-free / no ice 去冰
- Light ice 微冰
- Less ice 少冰
- Standard / regular ice 正常冰
- Extra ice 多冰
- Room temperature 常溫
- Warm 溫
- Hot 熱
- 選擇配料 choose the toppings
- Boba 大珍珠
- Pearl 細珍珠
- Aloe 蘆薈
- grass jelly仙草
- coconut jelly椰果
- 選擇奶類 choose creamer or milk
- Creamer 奶精
- Milk 鮮奶