


  • I would like to place an order
    A: Thanks for calling. How can I help you?
    A: 多謝致電。請問我有D咩可以幫你?

    B: I would like to place an order.
    B: 我想訂餐。


  • For pick up/ delivery
    A: For pick up or delivery?
    A: 自取定係送上門?

    B: For pickup/ delivery.
    B: 自取/ 送上門。


  • I would have an order of….
    A: What would you like to order?
    A: 請問想要D咩?

    B: I would have an order of the hamburger and fries.
    B: 我想要一個漢堡包和一份薯條。


  • Would that be all for you?
    A: Would that be all for you?
    A: 你想點的就係咁多嗎?

    B: Yes, thank you.
    B: 係的,唔該。


  • That should be everything.
    A: Would you like to add something more?

    B: No. That should be everything.
    B: 唔洗啦。個D已經係全部。


  • Anything else?
    A: Anything else?
    A: 仲有冇其他?

    B: I would like to have a cup of coke too.
    B: 我想要多杯可樂呀。


  • Your total is…
    A: Your total is $200.
    A: 你的總數係$200。

    B: No problem.
    B: 冇問題。


  • Pay cash upon delivery
    A:What payment method would you like to choose?
    A: 你會想用咩方法俾錢?

    B: I would pay cash upon delivery.
    B: 外賣送到的時候,我俾現金。