同人傾計嘅時候,會唔會有時突然 諗唔到要講D咩?特別係講英文嘅時候,個腦需要小小loading 嘅時間。如果唔出聲,dead air太耐就會變得十分之尷尬,之後更加唔知點繼續個conversation。

我地今日就嚟學下,native speaker用D咩表達方式黎填補對話的空白!


  • Well⋯
    A: Hey, how was your last presentation?
    A: 喂,你presentation點樣呀B: WellIt wasn’t great, but I figured out where it went wrong once I finished it.
    B: 嗯⋯唔算特別好,完左之後我就知自己邊度做得唔好。


  • That’s an interesting question. / That’s a good question
    有時interesting並唔係「真有趣」,只是一個對話既gap filler,很多時候是I have no idea how to answer既意思。根據情況不同,所代表既含義亦都各有千秋,要靠自己分辨啦。A: So, if most of the members agree with this plan, why don’t you propose it to the boss?
    A: 既然大部分人都贊同呢個計劃,點解你唔交俾老細睇下呀?B: That’s an interesting question. I’ll think about that.
    B: 嗯,好問題,我返去唸下先。


  • I haven’t really thought about it.
    A: Do you know what you want to do after you graduate?
    A: 你畢業之後想做D咩呀?B: Oh, I’ve never really thought about it, but I guess I’ll start by trying some internships?
    B: 呃,我沒唸過wor,可能做份實習先啦。


  • I’ve never thought about it that way.
    A: Don’t you think working is so much better than studying in school?
    A: 你覺唔覺得返工好過係學校讀書?B: I’ve never thought about it that way, but I guess everyone has their preferences.
    B: 我無咁樣唸過wor,要睇大家個人既唔同取向既。


  • Let me think. / Let me think about it.
    A: What do you want to have for lunch?
    A: 你lunch想食咩呀?B: Let me think.
    B: 俾我唸下先。


  • Give me one second.
    A: Which one should I go for? The red one or blue?
    A: 你覺得我要買邊一個?紅定藍?B: Give me one second. Let me compare them quickly.
    B: 等陣,俾我係個腦度比較下。


  • I guess/ I suppose…
    A: Why is this person taking so long?
    A: 點解佢黎得咁慢呀?B: I guess he’s probably stuck in traffic?
    B: 我唸佢應該塞緊車。


  • It depends…
    A: Are you going to attend that meeting?
    A: 你會唔會去個meeting呀?B: It depends on whether or not I can finish my work before 11.
    B: 唔一定,睇下我11點前做唔做得晒D野。