I believe you have already come across the word “yet” when learning English. It seems that its meaning varies every time we see it and a lot of people are not certain of how to use it correctly. Today we are going to tell you 5 common rules to follow when using the word “yet”.



1. still; until the present time

You can use “yet” in negative statements to indicate that something has not happened up to the present time, although it probably will happen. It should be used in the present perfect and placed at the end of the sentence.


I haven’t got into my new job yet.


Have you signed up for the club yet?



2. the best, worst, etc. until now

You can use “yet” after a superlative to indicate, for example, that something is the worst or the best of its kind up to the present time.


Due to the recession, the company is facing its worst year yet.


Her latest novel is her best yet.



3. despite that

You can use “yet” to introduce a fact that is rather surprising in relation to the previous fact you have just mentioned.


I don’t eat much, yet I am a size 16.


They didn’t know me, yet they were willing to do me a big favor.



4. from now and for a particular period of time in the future

You can use “yet” to say that there is still a possibility that something will happen.


Like the best stories, this one may yet have a happy ending.



5. Better yet

Used when you are adding a new idea that you think is better than a good one already mentioned, similar to “even better”.


Better yet, many museums designate a certain night of the week for free admission.