DSE奪星單字第二期黎啦!上一期我哋講咗一d關於work place communication嘅實用vocab,有冇記得係寫作嘅時候用返一兩個呢?今期就同大家分享下,social issue中超級熱門嘅topic——animal啦!無論係animal testing定係wildlife conservation,都可以用到架!

1. Test animals 用於實驗的動物

Provided that we can minimize the pain inflicted during product testing, animal experimentation can be continued.


2. Medical research 醫學研究

Mice are the most popular laboratory animals in medical research.


3. Alternative method/substitute 替代方法

Thankfully, the development of alternative methods is growing.


4. Diversity of species 物種多樣性

These are regions with a rich diversity of species that face a similar threat to their environment.


5. Right to live 生存的權利

All creatures in the world have the right to live as human beings.


6. Equilibrium of ecosystem 生態平衡

An increasing number of people are starting to acknowledge that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threats to the equilibrium of our ecosystem.


7. Natural balance 自然平衡

We should appreciate the natural balance and pay more attention to the importance of wildlife protection.
