上次我哋介紹咗啲常見嘅職場idioms,唔知你有冇運用到一兩個呢?其實有好多常用嘅expression都可以用一個簡短嘅idiom黎表達,大大提升你同同事、客戶之間嘅溝通效率。今日我哋繼續同native speakers學下仲有咩好用嘅idioms啦!


1. get down to business 進入正題、言歸正傳


I think we’ve spent enough time discussing the idea, and now it’s time to get down to business.



2. on track 上軌道、按部就班


If we continue at this rate, we’ll be right on track to finish before the deadline.



3. wing it 即興發揮


A: You haven’t practiced for the presentation at all?



B: Nah, but don’t worry! I’ll just wing it.



4. not going to fly 門都沒有、不可行


A: Jeremy is going to go ask his supervisor if he can take half a month off to go travel.

Jeremy 正要去問他的主管能不能請半個月的假,他想要去旅行。


B: That’s not gonna fly!



5. see eye to eye 達成共識


We may not always see eye to eye in certain situations, but I still have faith in her to get the job done.



6. touch base 和…聯繫


I’m going to be away for a couple days next week, but when I’m back we can touch base and figure out a way to get this project done.
