When different English words combine together, they might have different meanings. When a preposition is followed after a verb, they form a phrasal verb. If different prepositions are added to the same verb, they can have totally different meanings.


Let’s learn the following ‘get’ phrasal verb and see whether you know all of them!



1. Get across

To make someone understand or believe something


It was a challenge to get my idea across to the CEO, but I succeeded in the end.



2. Get ahead

To be successful in a job


You’ve got to take risks if you want to get ahead.



3. Get around

To find a way of dealing with or avoiding a problem


The committee is looking for ways to get around the funding problem.



4. Get away

To leave or escape from a person or a place


Wouldn’t it be nice to get away for a weekend?



5. Get away from

To get further from a place, often because you want to take a rest


We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowd.



6. Get by

Having just enough of something you need to sustain a living


How can we get by on so little money?



7. Get down to

To start directing your effort and attention towards something


After about 5 minutes of small talk, we all got down to business.



8. Get into

To become interested in an activity


She’s been getting into yoga recently.



In order to know how to use these examples, jot down the above phrasal verbs and their meanings!