How many words do you know are related to “provide”? “Provide”, “offer” and “supply” are the most commonly used words for referring to “give something to someone”. Do you know the differences among these words and how to apply them in a sentence?



1. Provide – provide the thing others need

How to use: provide somebody with something, provide something for/to somebody, provide something.


The language school provides free boarding for/to all its new entrants.



2. Offer – agree to give

How to use: offer somebody something, offer something to somebody, offer to do something


The company offered a fantastic position to me.



3. Supply – to provide something that is needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time

How to use: supply somebody with something, supply something to somebody.


The company supplies a violence-free working environment to all its employees.



4. Serve – to provide food or drinks or to do your duty to

How to use: serve something out (to continue to work for a period of time that has been decided)


She has served in the army for more than 20 years.



5. Proffer – to offer something by holding it out, or to offer advice or an opinion

How to use: proffer somebody something


He struggled to proffer some great ideas in the morning conference.