

1. Career overview 工作背景



  • previous work experience 過去工作經歷

可以用一兩句簡單介紹自己曾工作的公司、職位和工作時長。對於畢業生來說,最常提到的就是internship。除了internship,還可以用 ”I have done + time + of work experience with + company”。


I have had three months of work experience with a marketing company.



  • not an expert in this area 在這個領域不是專家

表達自己沒有相關經驗時,不要說 “I have no experience.”,雖然邏輯上沒錯,但太過直白。這時不妨說 “I’m not an expert in this area.”, 誠實地表示自己在這方面不是專家。


2. Ambition 工作展望

Ambition不一定只是展現熱情或者好勝的個性,也可以是職業規劃 (career path)。


  • aim for success 以成功為目標

可以用 relish the chance, direct toward the target of來表達,意思是「以…為目標前進」。


In previous jobs, I have demonstrated my ambition and ability when interacting with customers. I would relish the chance to take responsibility and prove myself in the field of marketing.



3. Interests 關注的事物

面試官問你 “Tell me about your interests” 時,這裡的interest不僅是娛樂興趣,也是你平時關注的事物。


  • pay attention to current affairs/trends. 關注時事/潮流

「關注」也可以用keep up with,current affairs可以用 current events 替代。


  • social activities 社交活動

說明自己喜歡參加社交活動,性格外向,擅於經營、拓展人脈(connections)。參加社交活動可以搭配 take part in、participate in 等。


In this role, I became familiar with social media management, and kept up with the latest digital trends. Also, I continuously participated in social activities to step outside my comfort zone.
