唔知你有冇覺得,寫作文或者做speaking嘅時候經常重複用一樣嘅sentence pattern?譬如最常用嘅「⋯⋯so that⋯⋯」,相信你一定有經常用佢架啦!其實,so that仲好好多相同意思嘅表達架,都非常簡單易明,不如一齊黎學下啦!

1. So as

The team are working hard to analyze the problem so as they can find the best solution.


2. In order that

We all get up early in order that we can start at seven.


3. So as to do something

We should learn a lesson from our mistakes so as to be a better person in the future.


4. In order to do something

In order to do this, you have to build up confidence.


5. In such a way that

The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo.


6. As a means to

They desire the good of others for its own sake, not simply as a means to their own satisfaction.


7. In such a manner that

This is where you do things in such a manner that you avoid exercising your brain.
