In ‘compare and contrast’ type of essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the points of comparing and contrasting the two things i.e. similarities and differences between the two different arguments. Therefore, it is important that you can use a wide range of sentence patterns to compare and contrast. We hope you find the following list of sentence patterns useful in your writing!


1. A and B are different in every way / respect / aspect


Male and female are different in every aspect.


2. A and B differ in…


French and English differ in the respect of grammar.


3. While it is generally believed that A…, I believe B…


While it is generally believed that some people are naturally born with talents, I personally would argue hard work and dedication are far more important.


4. the difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in…


The difference between domesticated animals and wild ones lies in whether or not the animals rely on human for survival.


5. compared with/in contrast to A, B…


Compared with the developed countries, developing countries have a lower literacy rate.


6. the most striking difference is that A…, while B…


The most striking difference after the Covid 19 breakout, is that the majority of people do not question the need to wear masks.