初入職場嘅你,面對interviewer嘅問題,講唔出一個完美嘅答案,最後順利攞到份工嘅可能性就比較小。特別係英文面試,越緊張,表達能力就會下降。其實搵到啱嘅單字,就可以順利表達。特別係西方文化重視行動,英文中有好多動作詞語 (action words),學識點樣使用,無論係做interview定係寫resume,都好有用架!

1. 形容自己的角色

  • problem solver 解決問題者
  • communicator 溝通者
  • negotiator 談判代表
  • operational specialist 運營專家

I am an experienced problem-solver and negotiator. I am confident to initiate dialogues with anyone and deliver the satisfactory answers.


To become an effective communicator, first thing I need to do is to learn to break the ice.


2. 表達自己的動力

  • initiate 發起
  • motivate 鼓勵

My passion motivates me to do my very best at work that I always use my initiative.


I’ve learnt to initiate the dialogue with visitors, involve them into discussions and gain their trust by addressing their needs and speaking with them honestly and directly.


3. 強調自己的視野不同

  • raise the standards 提高標準
  • never settle for low standards 從不滿足於低標準
  • set the goal 設定目標
  • see the bigger picture 著眼大局

In my work I try to concentrate on the big picture and not be distracted by details.


4. 強調積極的個性

  • achieve 達到
  • acquire 取得
  • accomplish 實現
  • attain 獲得

I will manage to accomplish the task in time even though it is difficult.


We need to identify the best ways of attaining our goals.
