In our last post, we summarized a list of common roots in English words. Today, we are going to talk about prefixes! Have you ever noticed that some of the words we know share the same prefix? For example, “disadvantage” and “dishonorable” share the same prefix “dis-“ – both of them are related to a negative connotation.


Here is a list of common prefixes:


1. hypo- (fake)

  • hypocrisy
  • hypothesis


2. sub- (beneath)

  • subconscious
  • subtropical
  • subtitle


3. retro- (go back)

  • retrograde
  • retrospect


4. uni-, mono- (single)

  • monotone
  • monologue
  • uniform


5. mal- (bad)

  • malnutrition
  • maltreat


6. sym-, syn- (together)

  • sympathy
  • symmetry
  • synonym
  • synchronization


7. fore- (in front)

  • forehead
  • foreground
  • foresee
  • foretell