This is the last post of our vocabulary series. How many word roots and prefixes have you learned? In today’s section, we are going to talk about the suffixes, which might be the least challenging one, for example “-er/or”. This list of suffixes can definitely help you expand your vocabulary bank.


1. -age (to some extend)

  • wastage
  • coverage
  • acreage
  • shrinkage
  • breakage


2. -ful (full of)

  • mouthful
  • spoonful


3. -hood (a period of time/a condition)

  • boyhood
  • womanhood
  • neighborhood


4. -ship (talent/character)

  • leadership
  • friendship
  • sportsmanship


5. -ify/-ize/-en (turn something into)

  • diversify
  • simplify
  • modernize
  • legalize
  • ripen


6. -ate (enact)

  • evaporate
  • validate


7. -wise (from a perspective)

  • clockwise
  • weather-wise
  • career-wise