The word ‘thing’ gives people a vague and unspecific impression. However, if we collocate ‘thing’ with other words, the meaning can be clearly understood. Below are 7 usages of ‘thing’, turn a simple word into different meanings!


1. It’s not really my thing

‘Thing’ here means ability or preference.


I have learned guitar for 5 years but it is still too difficult for me. It’s not really my thing.


2. Have a thing about sth


I have a thing about wearing jackets, even though the weather is not cool.


3. This is a thing/ Sth is a thing


Animal Crossing was a thing in 2020. Many agreed it was the best entertainment of the year.


4. The in-thing


Some think that extra-long shirts are going to be the in-thing this year.


5. The next big thing


The expert believes that autonomous driving is the next big thing for the future decades.


6. Things are looking up


Our business was in trouble last month but now things are looking up.


7. Best thing since sliced bread


Some think that the latest computer model is the best thing since sliced bread, but to me it does not worth its price.