考IELTS時,尤其係寫argumentative essay嗰陣,當我哋想表達觀點有唔同程度嘅確定性時,大家係咪都諗到undoubtedly呢?除咗呢個字之外,其實仲有好多表達無疑嘅英文㗎!


1. Indubitably


Among all the candidates, I think she is indubitably the most suitable one for our company.



2. Indisputably


He is indisputably playing a major role in the team which is the key to win in the contest.



3. Without a shadow of a doubt


Without a shadow of a doubt, he is the best badminton player I know.



4. Beyond question


Beyond question, she is the most well-behaved student in our class, whereas other classmates are playing and talking during lessons.



5. Needless to say


Needless to say, those who practiced ballet when they were young are more flexible.



6. Irrefutably


There is sufficient evidence showing that he is irrefutably the mastermind of the burglary.
