視訊會議越嚟越盛行,甚至近年產生咗 zoom fatigue 呢個新詞,意思就係開視訊會議開到攰!咁當開視訊會議時遇到一啲突發狀況,最常嘅就係網絡技術問題,例如斷網、收得唔清楚,又可以點樣用英文去表達呢?
1. Bad reception 信號差
I’m having bad reception at home, but I will install a new antenna next week. Hope it works well.
2. Disconnected 斷線
Sorry, I just got disconnected. May I ask what is going on now?
3. Hit-and-miss 時好時壞
The internet connection is hit-and-miss. Could you repeat what you have just said?
4. Static 雜音
There is so much static on your side, I cannot hear what you are saying clearly.
5. Break up 聲音斷斷續續
Your voice is breaking up. Maybe you can log out of the conference and log back again later.
6. Time lag on audio and video connections 音畫不同步
There is a time lag between our audio and video connections. I guess there are some network problems on your side.
7. Audio is out of sync 音畫不同步
The host’s audio is out of sync. Please help him to enable the 5-GHz Wi-Fi on his laptop.
會議主持人的音畫不同步,麻煩請幫他的電腦改用 5-GHz Wi-Fi。