問起「錢」嘅英文,可能大多數人淨係識 money,但其實英文有好多種表達「錢」嘅詞彙,以下就係其中5個例子!


1. Allowance 零用錢


Sally gives her son an allowance of $100 at the beginning of each week.



2. Fine 罰款


In Hong Kong, you may get a parking fine of around HK$320 if you park your car illegally.



3. Means 收入


Macy is a teenager that came from a poor family, and she has had to learn the hard way to live within her means.



4. Change 找的零錢


As Bill and Pam are regulars at that restaurant, they always tell the waiter to keep the change every time they pay their bill.



5. Down payment 首期


Bob and Lisa have been saving since they got married 15 years ago and now, they can finally afford to make a down payment on a house of their own.
