There are a lot of prepositions in English. If we are talking about the word ‘get’, what preposition(s) will you add after it? Below are 7 usages of prepositions after ‘get’. Can you remember any of them?


1. Get by


They are facing business obstacles under the contracting economy. They do just enough work to get by.


2. Get in on sth


A company tries to get in on the partnership deal in view of the fact that it is profitable.


3. Get onto sth


How did we get onto the topic of travel? Let’s continue working on our project first!


4. Get at sb


The boss gets at his subordinates just because he is in a bad mood.


5. Get back at sb


My parents always tell me not to get back at people even though they have done something wrong to me.


6. Get away with sth


Don’t let your children get away with bad behavior. Find the right way to educate them.


7. Get sth across


I hope to get my message across at this lecture. However, if you still have any questions, please feel free to ask me.