Everyone has his/her own unique personality. If you want to get to know someone deeply, it is necessary to understand their personality first, which can usually be observed from their attitude towards others. Today, we will provide you some more advanced English words that you seldom come across.


Positive adjectives:


1. Attentive


The hotel staff is always attentive to every guest’s needs.


2. Vibrant


She has a vibrant personality and brings happiness to others.


3. Gregarious


I really envy people who are gregarious. They can easily start a conversation with someone they have just met.


4. Discreet


She is very discreet. I’m sure that she won’t tell anyone if you ask her not to.


Negative adjectives:


1. Callous


She is selfish and callous as she never shows care to others.


2. Sly


Be careful of him! He is a sly old fox. You should not trust anything he says.


3. Grumpy


She is always grumpy on Monday mornings because she is seldom in the mood to go to work.


4. Flippant


With his flippant attitude when dealing with a serious problem, no one likes dealing with him.