When taking the IELTS exam, we believe that all of you know that simple words cannot boost our scores. Yet, you may try hard but still cannot think of a better synonym for the simple word. We understand that you may be one of the examinees who have this concern. Therefore, we will introduce the first three simple English words which need to be avoided, and their synonyms respectively!


1. Avoid using ‘good’


  • Stellar


Although the boy is not as tall as the other team members, his performance was stellar in the basketball contest.


  • Superb


The dish is superb, well worth its price.


2. Avoid using ‘bad’


  • Substandard


This 5-star hotel has provided substandard services. The staff is rude to customers and the food is unpalatable.


  • Frightful


The weather is so frightful. It’s better to stay indoors.


3. Avoid using ‘big’


  • Sizeable


Every small donation will eventually count up to a sizeable amount to save children in need.


  • Colossal


There has been a colossal increase in the number of students dropping out.