你係咪以為 Table 淨係解作「桌子」呢?其實佢用作動詞時都有兩個唔同意思㗎!另外,英文都有唔少片語同 Table 有關,例如你知唔知道 Keep a good table 係咩嘢意思?


當 Table 用作動詞時:


1. 提出討論某事


The matters are tabled by her, but you can definitely refuse to do so.



2. 擱置


The proposal is great. I don’t know why it was tabled for discussion for a long time.



有關 Table 嘅片語:


1. Under the table 暗地進行


The company offered me $5000 under the table for me to keep quiet.

公司暗地裡給了我 5000 元,讓我不要說實話。


另外,Drink sb under the table 有「比其他人喝得更多」嘅意思。

He has high alcohol tolerance. He can drink anyone under the table while being the only one who stays sober.



2. On the table 公開討論


They decided to put the issue on the table and get as many responses as possible.



3. Off the table 不在討論範圍


Let’s first focus only on the budget. Other aspects are off the table right now.



4. Turn the tables on sb 扭轉局面


The candidate turned the tables on his opponent in the final round interview and impressed the interviewers.
