IELTS Speaking 題目好生活化,特別係 part1 好多時會問關於你嘅事,例如你平時鍾意咩活動、你鍾唔鍾意你份工等等。除咗 I like 之外,有咩方法可以助你表達鍾意某樣嘢呢?


1. I’m fairly keen on 我相當熱衷於


I’m fairly keen on exercising in the morning these days. I especially enjoy running as I feel refreshed afterwards.



2. I’ve become attached to 我變得依戀


After my trip to Paris, I’ve become attached to the comforts of living in the city.



3. I can never resist 我無法抗拒


I can never resist beautiful accessories. I think I’ve got over 50 pairs of earrings at home!

我永遠無法抗拒漂亮的配飾,我想我家裡有超過 50 對耳環吧。


4. I’m a big fan of 我很喜歡


I’m a big fan of Korean drama. I learn Korean by watching dramas without subtitles.



5. I’m into 我對…很有興趣


I’m into online shopping recently. It’s really convenient and I can get better prices online.



6. I acquire a taste for 我開始喜歡


While I was a university student, I acquired a taste for doing make-up.



7. Sth is appealing to me 某事很吸引我


Horror movies are always appealing to me as it gives me a thrilling rush.
