有時學英文唔可以直接從字面理解個意思,如果唔係就好易擺烏龍!例如有人同你講I’m under the weather today,唔好誤會佢做咩講自己喺天氣下面,其實佢係話緊今日唔舒服!今日就一齊睇下有咩英文字嘅意思係唔可以直譯㗎啦!


1. Blow someone away 使某人留下深刻印象


The little girl is only 7 years old, but her singing performance has blown the audience away.



2. Stand somebody up 故意對某人失約


Jack is always standing up his friends and without apology. Therefore, his friends have decided to stand him up this time as revenge. When he arrives at the restaurant at 8pm they won’t be there.

傑克在參加朋友聚會時總是失約,並且沒有任何歉意。所以他的朋友們決定這次報復他,當他晚上 8 點到達餐廳時,他的朋友們不會在那裡。


3. Cook the books 做假帳


The accountant of this company tried to cook the books to misguide the readers of the financial report. He was trying to hide the fact that he was stealing money from the company.



4. Open book 容易被看透的人


My friend is an open book, so I can tell if she is lying or not.



5. Closed book 對某人/某科目一無所知


Science has always been a closed book to the students studying liberal arts.



6. You can say that again 完全同意某人的話


I think BTS is the most popular South Korean boy band nowadays.

You can say that again!




7. Lose your touch 在某方面表現大不如前


She has stopped practicing the violin for 3 years, that’s why she has lost her touch.



留意lose your touch同lose touch with(失聯)係有唔同意思,唔好撈亂啊!


8. Hit the hay/ Hit the sack 睡覺

Hay係指乾草、Sack係指大麻袋,但Hit the hay/ Hit the sack原來係瞓覺嘅意思。


It’s Monday tomorrow and I have to get up early for work. I’m going to hit the hay now.
