考 IELTS writing 時,例如講趨勢幾乎冇變,我哋可以用 almost/ nearly 等字眼。如果想詞彙多變化啲,可以試下用呢7個詞語,部分詞語例如 virtually 你可能會聽過,但除咗有「虛擬地」嘅意思,佢其實仲可以解作「幾乎」㗎!


1. All but


My work is all but finished. Let’s go shopping in an hour!



2. As good as


I’m so glad that the construction is as good as completed. We’re ahead of the original schedule.



3. More or less


The oil prices have more or less remained static in the past few years.



4. Virtually


‘Dinner’ and ‘supper’ are virtually interchangeable.

Dinner 和 Supper 兩者幾乎是可以互通的。


5. Practically


It’s practically impossible for him to arrive at the airport at 7 am.

要他在早上 7 點到達機場是一件幾乎不可能的事。


6. Stop short of


I stop short of telling her the secret, please remind me to be tight-lipped.



7. Verge on


Her piano performance verges on perfect. Obviously, she is going to get a distinction.
