7月嘅時候我哋同大家分享咗三個 IELTS 常見題目,包括學習、工作、興趣。知道大家可能都想知多啲其他主題相關嘅英文,所以今個月我哋又準備咗另外三個主題!今次打頭陣會講「環境」嘅詞彙,希望大家如果抽到呢個主題嘅題目時都可以運用得到啦!
1. Biodegradable 可生物分解的
To help save our planet, all the store packaging has changed to be biodegradable.
2. Segregate waste 垃圾分類
Citizens in Germany have responsibility to segregate waste correctly and throw them into the right bins.
3. Carbon tax 碳稅
Imposing a carbon tax is classified as an economic incentive to reduce carbon emissions.
4. Wind farm 風力發電廠
The benefits of building a wind farm include lowering the probability of acid rain, as well as reducing operating costs.
5. Die out/ Go extinct 滅絕
The new Canadian research outlines that polar bears may die out by 2100.
加拿大的新研究表明,北極熊可能將在 2100 年滅絕。
6. Poach 非法打獵
Poaching threatens the ecosystems of wild animals, such as zebras and gazelles.
7. Logging 伐木
Government should make more effort in dealing with the logging issue.
8. Pesticide 農藥
Pesticide not only harms the environment, but also has the potential to pose a threat to our health.