話咁快就嚟到 IELTS Speaking 常見題目最後一篇啦,我哋會講關於「家庭」嘅英文!呢個主題會出現喺 Speaking Part 2/ Part 3,Part 2 一般係關於你自己家庭嘅事,例如形容一位你最敬佩嘅家庭成員; Part 3 就會問一啲 general 關於 family 嘅議題,例如夫妻喺家庭中應唔應該扮演唔同嘅角色。今日一齊學吓有咩好用嘅詞彙啦!


1. Upbringing 撫養


He behaved very well when he was small. However, he started rebelling against his strict upbringing during adolescence.



2. Sibling rivalry 兄弟姊妹間的紛爭/競爭


I had a fragmented and awkward relationship with my sister as we have had a serious sibling rivalry since we were young.



3. Fall out with 吵架以致破壞關係


My brother ran away from home, after falling out with our parents.



4. Run in the family 遺傳


It seems to run in the family that we are artistic. My sister is good at drawing and my brother is talented at sculpture designing.



5. Breadwinner 養家糊口的人


My father is the breadwinner in our family. I am currently studying and my mother is a housewife.



6. Spread out 分散


My family is spread-out all-over Canada. My aunts live in Toronto and some of my distant cousins live in Vancouver.



7. Drift apart 關係漸漸疏遠


I have not lived with my family since I was 18. We drifted apart as we only meet up once a month.

我 18 歲起就沒有和家人一起居住。我們每個月才見面一次,因此關係漸漸疏遠。


8. Close-knit 關係親密


We are a close-knit family. We put each other first and we plan deliberate time together.
