You may often use the word ‘many’ or ‘a lot’ to describe a large amount of something, but can you think of any other English words with similar meanings? Today we are going to share 3 synonyms to be used in formal occasions and 4 synonyms for informal occasions with you respectively!


1. A multitude of (formal)


There is a multitude of teenage problems in the modern society, such as cyberbullying and smoking.


2. Multitudinous (formal)


Fast food is loved by multitudinous customers, however it will raise the chances of getting certain health problems.


3. Manifold (formal)


The firefighter has made manifold contributions to the city. He fully deserves the firefighter recognition award.


4. A stack of (informal)


The teacher has a stack of term papers to mark within this week.


5. Loads of (informal)


There are loads of people watching the countdown fireworks at the New Year’s Eve.


6. Umpteen (informal)


She has walked past the street umpteen times, yet she couldn’t remember the street name.


7. Scads (informal)


He won the lottery and earned scads of money.