Hobbies 係 IELTS Speaking 其中一個熱門嘅題目,當考官問你點解鍾意某樣興趣時,有冇試過一緊張詞窮就淨係識講 ‘because it is interesting’ 呢?就算未咁快諗得切點繼續答落去,都試下唔好用嚟用去都係 interesting,一齊睇下有咩字可以講啦!


1. Fascinating


I like visiting museums as it’s fascinating! I can know a country’s history and culture from different collections.



2. Absorbing


My hobby is reading. Recently, I read a novel and found it really absorbing.



3. Engrossing


My best interest is watching movies. Parasite is my best movie of all time as it is totally engrossing.



4. Intriguing


To me, skateboarding is the most intriguing sport even though it is risky.



5. Sth is my thing


Cooking is my thing! I enjoy creating delicious food and the joy when my family tries my dishes.



6. Riveting


In my free time, I always listen to the radio as the hosts have a lot of riveting stories to share.



7. Enthralling


Growing up in urban areas, I just had my first experience on a farm, and it was so enthralling.
