簽訂合約可以保障雙方嘅利益,係最有效嘅法律依據,因此合約喺商業世界係必不可缺嘅存在。今日會介紹5個同合約有關嘅英文片語,除此之外,亦都會介紹多2個可以代替 contract 嘅英文單字!


1. Breach of contract 違反合約


A large group of employees sued the company as there was a breach of contract, which has seriously damaged their reputation.



2. Rescind a contract 撤銷合約


After rescinding the contract, it is no longer recognized as a legally binding.



3. Bid for a contract 投標合約


Before bidding for a contract, you should make sure that it can help your business grow, as well as you are affordable for it.



4. Win a contract 拿下合約


He sincerely convinced the multinational company and finally won the global contract.



5. In contract with 與…有合約關係


We are in contract with this food delivery company so that our employees can enjoy discounts when using its service.




另外,除了 contract/ agreement,以下兩個字亦都有合同、協議嘅意思。


1. Pact


We have signed a trade pact with a Japanese corporation to become their only agent in Hong Kong.



2. Treaty (用於國家之間的協定)


The treaty has drastically strengthened the bonds of the two countries involved.
