求職時,要向面試官展現自己擅長做某件事,一方面話俾面試官知你有能力,一方面展示自己對呢份工作嘅熱誠,比起 I can do…,不妨試吓用以下嘅英文啦!
1. Be in a position to
For the past 2 years, I was in a position to handle customer complaints and inquiries.
在過去的 2 年間,我負責處理客戶投訴和查詢。
2. Be capable of
I have over 10 years of experience in this industry, so I believe I can handle the job duties for this position.
我在這個行業有超過 10 年的經驗,所以我相信我有能力勝任這個職位。
3. Faculty
Participating in various case of competitions in the university has sharpened my critical faculties.
4. Competence
I developed the competence in dealing with complex cases from my experience.
5. Equipped to
Therefore, I am well-equipped for this position, and I believe I can deliver excellent results.
6. Know-how
I have worked for large companies as a manager, so I got proof to show that I know how to lead a team.