喺IELTS作文又或者係Speaking嘅時候,我哋經常都會要舉例説明,咁大家又知唔知除咗 “ for example ” 之外,仲有啲咩字可以喺舉例嘅時候用呢?
1. For instance
She has an extraordinary talent for languages. For instance, she mastered six languages when she was only 12.
她在語言方面有著非凡的天賦。例如,她在 12 歲時就掌握了六種語言。
2. By way of illustration
By way of illustration, she talked about her experience of overcoming blood cancer.
3. To cite an example
To cite an example, the fashion industry is responsible for about 10% of the total global footprint.
4. As a piece of evidence
As a piece of evidence, the video attracted over 5 million views.
作為例子,該視頻吸引了超過 500 萬次觀看次數。
5. Including
Wall Street English specializes in teaching the English language, including General English and Business English.
Wall Street English專門從事英語教學,包括實用英語和商業英語。
以上就係5個可以用嚟代替 “for example” 嘅字啦,以後就無論係作文定説話,都有多啲字可以揀啦!