Paraphrase 嘅意思即係將一個句子重新包裝為意思一樣但字唔同嘅句子, 係IELTS 必定要識嘅技巧,要攞到band7或以上就一定要做好 parahrasing。咁 paraphrase 具體應該要點做呢?其實一啲都唔難㗎,就等 Wall Street English 教大家五個 paraphrase 嘅小技巧啦!


1. Synonym

Paraphrase 最簡單直接的方法。Paraphrase 是指將同義詞代替句子中具相同意思的字句,從而轉換成一個全新的句子。


The development of technology brings negative influences on our society.

→ Technology advancement brings a sizable impact to our society.


2. Word order



In many places, large chain stores are taking over the marketplace.

→ Large chain stores are taking over the marketplace in many places.




In many places, large chain stores are taking over the marketplace.

→ Big corporations are monopolizing the market business at every corner.


3. Word form

Word form有不同的類別,例如:noun、adjective、verb.

我們亦可透過word form的變化,將句子paraphrase。轉換時,需小心word form的時態及次序,以確保grammar正確。


To conclude, although existing employers have a good reputation in the work because they work for a long time, they cannot survive without the help of candidates from the outside.

→ It is concluded that although existing employers are well-reputed in the work because of their long working hours, they cannot survive without the help of outsider candidates.


4. Rewrite into the opposite



Both models suggested that innovation is rarely a successful strategy for parties out of power.

→ Neither model suggests that innovation is an effective strategy for parties out of power.


5. Active / passive



I agree that the existence of these media leads to a reduction in cultural disparities.

→ It is agreed that the existence of these media leads to a reduction in cultural disparities.



