之前有教過大家用唔同嘅方式表達感謝,不過喺生活中我哋周不時都會要接受人哋對我哋嘅感謝。除咗“you’re welcome”之外,你又知唔知仲有啲咩 唔洗客氣 嘅英文表達方式呢?等Wall Street English帶大家一齊嚟睇下啦!


1. It’s nothing.(沒什麽)



A: It was so nice of you to help me with the house cleaning yesterday.

A: 謝謝你昨天幫我打掃房子,真是太好了。


B: oh, it was nothing. I enjoyed it.

B: 哦,沒什麼。我很樂意。


2. Don’t mention it.(別跟我見外)



A: Thank you for the coffee this morning.

A: 謝謝你今天早上的咖啡。


B: Don’t mention it.

B: 別跟我見外了。


3. My pleasure.(樂意至極)



A: Thank you for doing the interview with us.

A: 感謝您接受我們的採訪。


B: My pleasure.

B: 我的榮幸。


4. Forget it. / No worries.(沒事 / 不用擔心)



A: I am so sorry for missing your messages.

A: 很抱歉錯過了您的留言。


B: Forget it. / No worries. I’ve got it done already.

B: 沒事 / 不用擔心。我已經完成了。


5. Not at all.(不用謝)



A: Thank you so much for your precious idea. We couldn’t have done it without your help.

A: 非常感謝您提出寶貴的意見。沒有您的幫助,我們無法完成。


B: Not at all. I am happy to help.

B: 不用謝。我很樂意幫忙。


6. It’s not a big deal.(小事啦)



A: Thank you for lending me the power bank.

A: 謝謝你借給我的充電器。


B: It’s not a big deal.

B: 小事而已。


