想喺IELTS speaking入面攞到band 7或以上,你必須要展現到自己掌握豐富嘅詞匯量,并且懂得運用恰當 idioms 去形容各種情況。不過好多同學對 idioms 嘅瞭解都唔多,所以Wall Street English今次就教大家幾個實用嘅 idioms ,方便大家喺唔同情況下都可以運用自如。


1. A hot potato (燙手山芋)

燙手山芋是指棘手、麻煩的事或複雜的情況, 當在IETLS Speaking問到你一些複雜或難以解決的問題,你便可以用a hot potato去形容該事件。

  • Strike a balance between economic development and environmental protection is truly a hot potato.
  • 在經濟發展和環境保護之間取得平衡,真是一個燙手山芋。


2. Best of two worlds (兩全其美)

Best of two worlds直譯的中文意思就是兩個世界中最好的,意思即是兩全其美,各取其長,通常用來形容兩種截然不同的東西並各取其優點。

  • If I can get this part-time job, that would be the best for two worlds. On the one hand I can spare time for my studies. On the other hand, I get extra income.
  • 如果我能得到這份兼職,那將是兩全其美。一方面,我可以騰出時間學習。另一方面,我得到了額外的收入。


3. Butterflies in one’s stomach (忐忑緊張)


  • To be very honest, I am feeling butterflies in my stomach already before my exam tomorrow.
  • 老實説,我真的覺得很緊張。


4. A blessing in disguise (因禍得福)


  • Getting an unsatisfactory score the first time I took IELTS turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it made me realise my English was far from good. I was then motivated to study English harder than ever.
  • 第一次考雅思成績不理想,卻是因禍得福。我因發現自己的英語能力還遠遠不夠,不得非常不努力學習英語。


5. Sit on the fence (猶豫不決)

Sit on the fence的字面意思是騎墻,意思亦是一樣的,指騎墻觀望、猶豫不決。

  • Hong Kong people are generally politically apathetic. They usually sit on the fence when it comes to political issues.
  • 香港人普遍對政治冷漠。當涉及到政治問題時,他們通常會袖手旁觀。


6. Kill two birds with one stone (一石二鳥)


  • I would prefer studying abroad as not only could I learn a new language and culture, but I could also boost my competitiveness in society in the future. So I’d say it kills two birds with one stone.
  • 我會選擇出國留學,不僅可以學習新的語言和文化,還可以提高我未來的社會競爭力,一舉兩得。


7. A drop in the ocean (滄海一粟)


  • The amount donated to the underprivileged is just a drop in the ocean.
  • 對弱勢群體的捐款只是滄海一粟。