相信好多人喺開心嘅時候都只會講“I’m happy”,今次Wall Street English就叫大家五個可以表現“happy”嘅意思嘅 idioms ,以後再想同人講你好開心嘅時候就可以用呢啲新嘅表現方式啦!
1. In high spirits
- People are having so much fun at the party and are in such high spirits.
- 人們在聚會上玩得很開心,興高采烈。
2. On cloud nine
外國氣象參考書中,第九級的雲係積雨雲,是最柔軟、蓬鬆的雲層,躺上去便有種好舒服、快樂的感覺。所以on cloud nine就是形容某人處於非常高興的狀態。
- I was on cloud nine when I received the job offer from my dream company.
- 當我收到夢寐以求的公司的工作機會時,我高興極了。
3. Over the moon
月亮對人類而言是遙不可及的,承載願望的,所以當我們說某人over the moon的時候,就是說他遇到了好事,心情就似登上月亮一樣。
- She was over the moon when someone praised her new look.
- 當有人稱讚她的新面貌時,她開心極了。
4. Like a dog with two tails
衆所周知,小狗開心時會搖尾巴,搖得快的·時候就好似有兩條尾巴,便是a dog with two tails,用來形容人處於非常開心的狀態。
- Harry would be like a dog with two tails if he gets in the team.
- 如果哈利能加入團隊,他會很高興。
5. On top of the world
- He was feeling on top of the world when she said yes to his proposal.
- 當她同意他的求婚時,他感覺自己處於世界之巔一樣開心。
6. Have a whale of a time
因爲whale鯨魚是體積龐大的動物,我們常用a whale of去形容巨大的東西,而在英文中,a lot of、a great amount of都常被認爲有正面意思,所以a whale of a time同great time相同之意,是指度過一段快樂興奮的時光。
- I had a whale of a time during my trip to Japan.
- 我在日本之行中度過了一段難忘的時光。
7. In seventh heaven
- I was in seventh heaven when I received the acceptance letter from the law school that I have dreamed of getting in every night.
- 當我收到法學院的錄取通知書時,我開心極了。
咁樣就學晒七個形容開心快樂嘅 idioms 啦,係咪好有趣呢!以後當我哋想話自己好開心嘅時候,就唔洗再用“happy”啦,試下用以上 idioms 啦!