IELTS Writing task 2 is based on formal essay writing. After learning the sentence patterns, advanced vocabulary and essay structures, you may still be unsure about how to elaborate on your sub points in each paragraph, which is the main component that makes up our whole essay. Therefore, it is essential for you to learn the various ways to enrich the contents, instead of explaining your viewpoints hollowly. Here, Wall Street English will provide a set of useful structure that you can use for each of your paragraph, together we could write a compelling and top notch essay.


1. Topic sentence 

Topic sentence is the soul of the paragraph. It brings out the main message of each part, links the paragraph with the topic, and acts as a transition between paragraphs. The following are some of the typical ways to start a paragraph:


In terms of …, …

Regarding/ In regard to …, …

Apart from…, …

Another point worth mentioning is …

On the contrary, one would argue that…


2. Examples 

After bringing out the main message, you should provide some examples or evidence to strengthen your point.


For instance, …

To cite an example, …

… are the examples of …


3. Discussion 

After that, you can elaborate your point and give some valid reasons to enrich your content.


As mentioned, …

Nevertheless, …

It is crucial for us to …

… is of paramount importance.

Take into account that…


4. Small conclusion

At the end of each paragraph, remember to add a small conclusion to sum up the part. So that the whole picture would be clearer.


It is therefore comprehensible that …

Judging from the above, …

Under this line of thinking it is evident that …

As a result, …

In conclusion, …