Tea is not your cup of tea? How about coffee?Here are 6 popular types of coffee you’ll find at a typical coffee shop.可能你有興趣: Keep up 嘅 10 種多變用法2023-05-12T18:25:19+08:001/4/2014|Categories: 日常生活|Tags: 咖啡| 相關文章: 12星座性格特質優點與缺點英文版 19/11/2024 準備迎接畢業季!與畢業相關的英文大全! 13/11/2024 端午節英文:糉、龍舟和傳統習俗 24/5/2024 母親節:向母親表達你的愛! 各種花的花語英文是甚麼? 26/4/2024 「你最近還好嗎?」點樣講先喺自然又親切嘅英文打招呼方式? 20/3/2024 2024新年新開始新目標英文 10/1/2024 Summer is here! 1/7/2023 微笑、偷笑、嘲笑…. 咁多種笑法,英文點表達? 23/6/2023