Complaint letter 投訴信 係DSE英文paper 3常出嘅題目,今次Wall Street English逐步教大家應該點樣寫一封有禮貌且强而有力嘅complaint letter,等大家到paper 3 part B嘅時候都可以輕鬆應對!下次會教埋大家寫喺相反嘅角度嘅reply to complaint letter,想知嘅話就要密切留意啦!
投訴信︰Opening 開首
1. I am writing to lodge / file a complaint about…
- I am writing to lodge / file a complaint on the unsatisfactory quality of the hair dryer I purchased from your store on the 21st of June.
- 我對6 月 21 日從你們商店購買的吹風機的質量感到不滿意,所以寫信提出投訴。
2. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction
- I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the poor service I received in your restaurant on the 21st of June.
- 我寫信是為了表達我對 6 月 21 日在貴餐廳收到的糟糕服務的不滿。
3. I am writing to bring your attention to the fact that I am not satisfied with…
- I am writing to bring your attention to the fact that I am not satisfied with the quality of service provided by your company on the 21st of June.
- 寫信提醒您注意,我對貴公司 6 月 21 日提供的服務質素不滿意。
投訴信︰Body paragraph 正文
1. The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is…
- The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is the disrespectful attitude of your staff.
- 我想提你注意的第一件事是你的員工的不尊重態度。
2. To my disappointment / to my dismay, …
- To my disappointment / to my dismay, the cabinet I received was faulty.
- 令我失望的是,我收到的櫥櫃有問題。
3. To make things worse,
- To make things worse, your staff ignored me when I insisted on an apology from her.
- 更糟糕的是,當我堅持要你的員工道歉時,她無視了我。