上次教過大家寫投訴信,今次就換個角度,教大家如禮貌回覆投訴信。兩個都係DSE英文Paper 3 PartB經常要大家寫嘅topic,就等Wall Street English教下大家啦!
Opening 開首
1. I am writing in response to your letter dated … concerning / regarding …
- I am writing in response to your letter dated 21st June concerning / regarding your complaint about the quality of our product.
- 我寫信是為了回覆您6 月 21 日關於對我們產品質量的投訴的來信。
2. Thank you for your letter dated … in which you raised concerns about …
- Thank you for your letter dated 21st June in which you raised concerns about the quality of our product.
- 感謝您在 6 月 21 日的來信中對我們的產品質量表示擔憂。
3. Thank you for your letter. We appreciate your valuable feedback on …
- Thank you for your letter. We appreciate your valuable feedback on the service quality of our staff.
- 謝謝你的來信。感謝您對我們員工服務質量的寶貴反饋。
Body Paragraph 正文
1. First, we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused by our mistakes.
2. We are sorry to hear that … did not meet your expectations.
- We are sorry to hear that your experience at our hotel failed to meet your expectations.
- 得知您在我們的酒店的體驗未能達到您的期望,我們深感遺憾。
3. Let me take this opportunity to apologize for …
- Let me take this opportunity to apologize for the fact that our staff was not attentive to your needs.
- 讓我藉此機會為我們的員工沒有關注您的需求而道歉。
4. Whilst I understand that you were inconvenienced by …
雖然我理解… 給您帶來不便…
- Whilst I understand that you were inconvenienced by the delay, we had no choice but to delay the flight to London due to the bad weather.
- 雖然我理解延誤給您帶來不便,但由於天氣惡劣,我們不得不推遲飛往倫敦的航班。
Ending 結尾
1. I hope the above explanation could address your concerns
2. We would like to assure you that matters such as this would not happen again, and we promise to try our very best to serve every customer in the near future.
3. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance
4. We look forward to serving you again.