你知唔知咩係”back to sqaure one”? “cut-throat”切喉嚨又係咩意思?Wall Street English教你七個喺工作中常用嘅商業idioms,等你同同事或係商業夥伴溝通都冇困難! 


1. Back to square one (回到原點) 


  • If plan B doesn’t work, we are back to square one.  
  • 如果 B 計劃行不通,我們就回到原點了。 


2. By the book (按部就班) 


  • In our company, it’s better to do things by the book.  
  • 在我們公司,最好就是所有事都循規蹈矩,照章辦事。 


3. Corner the market (壟斷市場) 


  • We must increase our sales by 20% to corner the market. 
  • 我們要把銷售額提高20%才可以壟斷市場。 


4. Go the extra mile (加倍努力) 


  • To provide the best service to our customers, we must go the extra mile.  
  • 為了給我們的客戶提供最好的服務,我們加倍努力。 


5. Cut-throat (競爭激烈) 


  • Companies in the fashion industry often use cut throat strategies, they would even go as far as burning their cash pile just to attract customers.
  • 時尚界的公司經常使用割喉式競爭策略,他們為了吸引顧客甚至割價至燒掉自己的錢的程度


6. Up in the air (尚未決定) 


  • Our product development plan is still up in the air.  
  • 我們的產品開發計劃仍懸而未決。 


7. Think outside the box (打破常規地思考) 


  • Facing the cut-throat competition, we must think outside the box for a innovative idea of launching the new product. 
  • 面對激烈的競爭,我們必須跳出框框思考推出新產品的思路。